// Lat Long functions in PHP
// With thanks to Andy, G4JNT for inspiration in GEOG, and to the OSGB for their white paper on coordinate transformation
// describing the iterative method used
// thanks to the Ordnance survey of Ireland for details of the true and false origins of the Irish grid
// You may use and redistribute this code under the terms of the GPL see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// Written by Richard
// www.megalithia.com
// v0.something 27/2/2000
// v 1.01 28 June 2004
// v 1.02 6 Aug 2004 line 89 add "0" to chars in $ngr=stripcharsnotinbag Thx Andy
// v 1.03 9 Mar 2005 Jan (Klingon) added conversion to WGS84 map datum and removed limitation of digits of the grid ref
// v 1.04 10 Aug 2005 Richard correct error trapping (only manifest on malformed ngrs
// This code is predicated on the assumption that your are ONLY feeding it Irish or UK Grid references.
// It uses the single char prefix of Irish grid refs to tell the difference, UK grid refs have a two letter prefix.
// We would like an even number of digits for the rest of the grid ref.
// Anything in the NGR other than 0-9, A-Z, a-z is eliminated.
// WARNING this assumes there are no decimal points in your NGR components.
// (before v 1.03) you must have at least 4 numerical digits eg TM1234 and no more than eight eg TM12345678 otherwise
// you and your data are viewed with suspicion.
// NEW (Jan): at least the letter prefix of the Grid ref, no upper limit
// The transformation from OSGB36/Ireland 1965 to WGS84 is more precise than 5 m.
// The function is case insensitive
// Return value is array($country,$error,$lat,$long);
// you may test error = OK if blank, otherwise you will usually get a "malformed NGR"
// Removes all characters which do NOT appear in string $bag
// from string $s.
function stripCharsNotInBag($s,$bag)
// Search through string's characters one by one.
// If character is in bag, append to returnString.
// Check that current character isn't whitespace.
return $returnString;
// haversine distance computation.
// Haversines are good for small diffs in lat,long which is usually the case in terrestrial GPS calcs
// you can KO this function if not wanted - it is not part of the NGR2LL calc
function GCdist($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2)
// expects input in radians, give result in km
// mean radius of the earth in km
// haversinehttp://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51879.html
// above all in degrees mind you
return $d;
// old non-haversine return acos(sin($lat1)*sin($lat2)+cos($lat1)*cos($lat2)*cos($lon1-$lon2))*$earth_rad;
function bearing($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2)
// Inspiration thanks to http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/LatLong.html
return( 180/M_PI*atan2(sin($dlong)*cos($lat2),cos($lat1)*sin($lat2) - sin($lat1)*cos($lat2)*cos($dlong)) );
function NGR2LL($ngr)
// returns a error,lat,long list
// bust odd numerical parts
$error="Malformed numerical part of NGR";
// split into northings
// and eastings
// USE IRISH values
// okay up to here
// now for the heavy stuff
// deg2rad
// True Origin is 8 deg W
// True Origin is 53.5 deg N
// scale factor @ central meridian
// True origin in 200 km E of false origin
//True origin is 250km N of false origin
// semi-major axis (in line to equator) 1.000035 is yer scale @ central meridian
//semi-minor axis (in line to poles)
// flatness=a1-b1/(a1 + b1)
// first eccentricity squared=2*f-f^2 where f=(a1-b1)/a1
// radius of earth
// Loop
// v1.04 this bracket moved to just before elsif // }
// convert long/lat to Cartesian coordinates
// Helmert-Transformation from Ireland 1965 to WGS84 map date
// convert Cartesian to long/lat
// Loop
} // v 1.04 mod
// British
// first caclulate e,n
// bust odd numerical parts
$error="Malformed numerical part of NGR";
// split into northings
// and eastings
// USE BRitish values
// okay up to here
// now for the heavy stuff
// deg2rad
// True Origin is 2 deg W
// True Origin is 49 deg N
// scale factor @ central meridian
// True origin in 400 km E of false origin
//True origin is 100 km S of false origin
// semi-major axis (in line to equator) 0.996012717 is yer scale @ central meridian
//semi-minor axis (in line to poles)
// flatness=a1-b1/(a1+b1)
// first eccentricity squared=2*f-f^2where f=(a1-b1)/a1
// radius of earth
// Loop
// v1.04 this bracket moved to just before elsif // }
// convert long/lat to Cartesian coordinates
// Helmert-Transformation from OSGB36 to WGS84 map date
// convert Cartesian to long/lat
// Loop
} // v 1.04 mod
$error="Malformed NGR";
return array($country,$error,$lat,$long);